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What legal steps can be taken to recover fraudulently taken money in Bangladesh?


I am a Saudi expatriate and was deceived by another expatriate from Jhenaidah, Bangladesh, who promised work and a government permit (caravan) in Saudi Arabia. He took 75,000 Taka from me and other Bangladeshis, but after a while, he stopped responding. The money was transferred to his account in Bangladesh, and I still have the receipts. Now, he has returned to Bangladesh. Can I get legal help to recover the money, considering that the agreement was made in Saudi Arabia but the payment was made in Bangladesh? What legal action can I take?


In this case, you have several options to pursue legal action in both Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh. Since the money was paid into a bank account in Bangladesh, the issue falls under Bangladesh’s jurisdiction. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. File a Case in Bangladesh: You can file a fraud case against the person in Bangladesh, as the money was transferred to his account there. Under the Bangladesh Penal Code, fraud is punishable, and the person can be prosecuted for cheating and misappropriation of funds.
  2. Gather Evidence: You already have the receipts and proof of the transaction, which is crucial evidence. Keep all records of communications, transaction details, and any related documentation that shows you were deceived.
  3. Approach the Local Police: You can file a report with the local police station in Bangladesh, preferably in the district where the fraudster is from (Jhenaidah). The police can investigate the matter and may be able to trace the fraudster’s whereabouts and assets.
  4. File a Case in Saudi Arabia (Optional): Since the agreement was made in Saudi Arabia, you may also approach Saudi authorities, particularly if the fraud was related to promises made while you were in Saudi. However, the legal proceedings might be complicated and require international cooperation between the two countries.
  5. Legal Support in Bangladesh: It is advisable to consult a Bangladeshi lawyer who specializes in fraud and financial crimes to guide you through the legal process and help with filing the case. The lawyer can assist you in securing the necessary documentation and represent you in court if needed.