Question: My elder sister has been married for 15 years and has two children, a son in class seven and a daughter in class one. In the beginning, the family was good, but now my brother-in-law has borrowed a lot of money and has been addicted for a long time. He has become abusive and violent towards my sister. She is unable to talk to him, and if she says anything, he gets angry and beats her. She has left him once, but he forced her to return. Now, she is unable to bear the situation. What legal actions can be taken to help her?
Answer: In Bangladesh, domestic violence and abuse are serious matters, and there are legal protections available for women facing such situations. Your sister has the right to live free from violence and abuse. Here are the steps she can take:
- File a Police Report: If your sister is being physically abused, she can file a First Information Report (FIR) with the police under the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2010. This law protects women from physical, emotional, and economic abuse. The police can take immediate action against the abuser.
- Seek Protection from the Court: Your sister can approach the court for a protection order. Under the Domestic Violence Act, the court can issue orders to prevent further abuse and even order the abuser to vacate the marital home, if necessary.
- Take a Legal Separation or Divorce: If your sister decides to leave her husband, she can file for divorce on grounds of cruelty or abuse. If she does not wish to live with him anymore, she has the right to seek a separation or divorce.
- Seek Maintenance and Custody: If she decides to separate or divorce, she can also claim maintenance for herself and her children, ensuring financial support. The court may also grant her custody of the children, given the circumstances.