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How to take legal action against fake Facebook profile misuse?


Someone’s personal photo is being posted on Facebook from a fake ID. Can legal action be taken against the ID account now?


Yes, legal action can be taken against the person using a fake ID to post someone’s personal photos on Facebook. Here’s how you can proceed:

  1. Violation of Privacy:
    Posting someone’s personal photo without their consent is a violation of privacy rights under Bangladesh’s Privacy Laws. This can be considered defamation and cyber harassment.
  2. Cybercrime Law (ICT Act 2006):
    Under Section 57 of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act, posting someone’s personal image without their permission can lead to legal consequences. It is a punishable offense if the intent is to cause harm or distress to the individual. The person behind the fake ID can face imprisonment and fines.
  3. Defamation:
    If the image is being used in a malicious or derogatory context, you can also file a defamation lawsuit under Section 499 of the Bangladesh Penal Code. This holds the person accountable for damage to reputation.
  4. Filing a Complaint with the Police:
    You can file a complaint with the Cyber Crime Unit of Bangladesh Police for misuse of your photo. They can trace the fake ID and take action against the individual responsible for posting your personal photos.
  5. Facebook’s Role:
    You can also report the fake account to Facebook, which can suspend or block the profile for violating community guidelines related to identity theft and misuse of personal data.
  6. Evidence:
    Gather all evidence, such as screenshots of the photo being posted and the profile information of the fake account. This will be crucial for both the police investigation and any legal proceedings.